Other Mail Rooms

In addition to the central mail facility at the Left Bank, many buildings on campus have their own mail rooms. These facilities are listed below. If you are located in one of these buildings, please contact your local mail room first with any questions you have concerning your mail delivery.

Biology 215-746-4746
BRB II/III 215-898-6189
Chemistry 215-898-8317
CHOP 215-590-5900
Claudia Cohen Hall 215-573-5998
Dental 215-573-3580
DRL 215-898-8141
Fischer Bennett Hall 215-898-7341
Hill House 215-573-7390
Houston Hall 215-898-4636
Huntsman Hall 215-898-7780
HUP 215-662-7782/2483
HUP Receiving 215-662-2291
Law School 215-898-7483/7481
Nursing 215-573-3026
Scheie Eye 215-662-9514/9890
Towne Building 215-898-8115
Van Pelt 215-898-5467
Vet School 215-898-3300
Williams Hall 215-898-8808