Change of Address Form

If you are planning on moving your office follow these simple steps to ensure that your mail moves with you!

  1. Penn Mail requires three weeks notice to process an internal change of address
  2. Download the internal Change of Address (COA) form below
  3. Once received, we will confirm your new mail code assignment with USPS 
  4. In order to properly update their mailing records and to ensure proper mail forwarding; the United States Postal Service (USPS) requires an official change of address form be submitted by a departmental admin. This can be done electronically by visiting their website.

Procedures for Change of Address Notification:

  1. Complete and submit this form.

  2. Penn Mail Services will confirm your new address with the United States Post Office. You should NOT contact the United States Postal Service (USPS) directly.

  3. Once Penn Mail Services has confirmed your new USPS address and intramural address, notify your suppliers and international partners of your change of address and update your website(s).

Enter Your New Address Below

New Address

Please provide your former address and your contact information below.

Provide your former address